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In life and business, I want to have a positive impact on clients.

Every business eventually comes to a bend in the road where the path ahead is unclear.

Does this sound like you?

  • I need to learn to inspire others to collaborate, commit and communicate effectively

  • I don’t know how (or when) to delegate

  • I can’t seem to stay focused on the most important activities

  • It’s sometimes easier to avoid sales conversations altogether than try to sell my product or services

  • I’m an introvert and struggle to connect with my leads

  • I’m an extrovert and always seem to miss buying signals

Do you worry about what’s around the corner? Or do you apply new leadership and management skills to address challenges and opportunities to shape your company’s future?

As a life-long learner, I’m always gathering new knowledge and looking for ways to help my clients with training and coaching. Which has led me to (just a few!) certifications and accreditations:

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation

  • Certified Sales Leader (CSL) and Instructor for CPSA

  • Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching (CEC) from Royal Roads University

  • Rewired to Lead and Rewired to Relate Certified Trainer, Shooksvensen

  • Certified SOCIAL STYLE facilitator and assessments, TRACOM Group

  • Certified Adaptive Mindset for Resilience facilitator and assessments, TRACOM Group

  • Organizational Relationships Systems Coaching, Team Coaching CRR Global

Outside of work, I’m very much like many of my clients. I’m a working parent, trying to manage the often competing priorities of family and business life.

And have I mentioned I’m trying to be as effective a dog owner as I am a business coach? But for all of my coaching training and experience, Sadie (my adolescent puppy) is often not as open to suggestions or as willing to cooperate as my clients.



Business intelligence to fuel results. Shawna has a gift for taking high-level corporate tools and helping small businesses use them to grow strategically. If you want to grow exponentially, connect with Shawna.
— Denise Baril, CEO Workplace Speaker Network
Let’s move your business forward

I offer a simple (and free!) 20-min session to see how you can move your business forward.
