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Achieve your goals with the support of a proven business coach

Let’s build your confidence and your skills
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Develop critical business skills as well as the ability to build and expand your leadership mindset. You don’t just learn - your business and your team depend on you to take action. One of my most important roles is to keep you accountable. 

Whether you prefer my one-on-one business coaching program, a business training course, or a group program, I help you focus on identifying and clarifying the next steps, executing them, and moving your business forward. 

This allows you to stay committed to your business goals, team, performance, and success.



Shawna is a detailed oriented professional, whose organizational & management skills are her strongest assets. She is able to manage a portfolio of business while at the same time managing people with compassion and empathy, yet with the strength to handle the tough decisions in a timely and efficient manner.
— Joanne Finucan, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare
Discover more clarity

Take a free 5-minute “where is my business now?” assessment
We follow that with a free 20-minute consultation to chat about your results and how you might be able to get unstuck

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