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Redefine performance

Move your business forward. Empower your team. Get profitable.
  • Owning your own business

  • Turning your passion for high-performance into a best-in-class culture

  • Managing and encouraging a confident salesforce

These are not for the faint of heart. Creating the space and the systems to have business success takes good leadership, consistent execution, and a healthy dose of stress management.


I can help you with that.

I’m not just known only as a business coach, a sales coach, or a sales trainer. Clients seek me out because of my business development track record and my proven sales expertise. My Focus5 Framework is designed to give my clients the best overall business and growth experience they can get. In one place.


Focus5 Framework

My exclusive Focus5 Framework allows you to replace the stress and anxiety of working IN your business and gives you the skills to work ON your business. Discovering new skills through the five stages of the process: business and sales execution, self-management, leadership skills, and stress management, you become more confident and effective to drive business results.


Thorough, detailed, committed, thoughtful and focused. That is how I would describe my encounter when I approached Shawna for assistance to solve my problem. I left after our two hour meeting feeling more confident because I knew exactly what I needed to work on to overcome my perceived challenges. This resulted in success at my next meeting as I had clarity. If you are looking for someone to take you to the next level and cut through clutter - I highly recommend Shawna.
— Lisa Maragh, Goldray Glass
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Discover how my Focus5 Framework can work for you.
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