COVID-19 Control what is in your control

In Frozen 2, Olaf gives great advice for all of us to remember in these uncertain times.  COVID-19 has affected every person globally and our everyday lives are very different.  Everywhere we turn, there is COVID-19 news (real and fake) that is causing us all to be fearful.  We are surrounded by people experiencing lay offs, isolation, childcare concerns and a new way of working.  This is uncharted ground leaving many people feeling as if we have no control over our circumstances.

One week ago, today I was feeling out of control and struggling not to panic.  My business changed dramatically.  My inner self critic started screaming and every insecurity I had started rushing to the surface.  And then, I talked to my coach.  She listened, she got me thinking more rationally, reminded me of my strengths and then asked me:

What are you going to do now?

For those of you who have felt or are feeling like I was, here are three things that can help you in this time of isolation and insecurity.

  1. Connect with others.  Now more than ever we need to connect with family, friends, customers, and professional connections.  We are all feeling this isolation and fears, we can help one another.  I have had so much fun this week connecting with everyone.  We collaborated and shared so many great ideas to be productive and present with a household of people all under foot at the same time.  And we shared feeling and struggles reminding us that we aren’t alone.

  2. Use coaches and mentors.  We all have people in our networks we can tap into for support drawing on their wisdom, expertise and sound advice.  If you haven’t already started, it is time to tap into this critical resource.  These people are invaluable in this time to business owners and leaders.  They can really help you to get clear and creative to move through your challenges. 

  3. Focus on what you can control.  Now is the perfect time to reset and review.  What are your most important priorities in the coming weeks?  Once you are clear on those priorities, identify what you need to do to make them happen.  Then share those plans with others, mutually commit to having a quick discussion each week where you share how you are progressing on those goals.  It is proven that when we report our results to someone other than ourselves, we are more likely to stay focused on them.

I am very excited to share with you that I created an action plan in response to my coach’s question.  I followed my own advice above, and I am feeling more energized and excited than I have felt all month.  So now I am asking you:

What actions are you going to take to control the things within your control?

Michell McDoguall